Parent Teacher Association
Te Kura Tuatahi o Te Koau Grant's Braes Parent Teacher Association (PTA) facilitates the links between the school and the wider community, and provides a fantastic opportunity to get to know other parents and teachers. We are involved in organising social events that bring the school community together (such as the school fair and quiz nights) and also help raise funds that directly benefit our children. Everybody is welcome, and we are interested in receiving any ideas that will enable us to continue to support our great school community.
Our PTA fundraising has contributed to a vast array of projects and purchases that support our children’s learning, particularly covering “extras” that are not necessarily funded by the Ministry of Education. Below are some recent examples:
- Resources for the school
- Technology for the classrooms
- Classroom board games (for wet weather days!).
2024 PTA Executive
President - Olivia Hills
Vice President - Sumanth Surendran
Treasurer - Sarah Goudie
Secretary - Jenna Slade
School Liaison - Jen Stevenson/Gareth Taylor
Executive Members - Maggie Burgess, Nikki Batten
For further information please contact Jenna Slade (PTA secretary):