Payments and Contributions

Payment via Kindo

Our Kindo online school shop is now open 24/7 and it really is very easy to use.  This is the schools preferred method of payment. Just ‘top up’ your account, and allocate where you wish your payments to go! You can pay for items on your school account, register your child for sports teams, order and pay for PTA Fundraisers, including sausage sizzles, pizza day etc.
Existing Users
Click HERE to login and register for sports, making part or full payments on your child's account, or depositing for PTA Fundraisers. 
New Users
Click HERE to register.
All you need is the email address the school has on file for you.  Kindo will send you an email with a password link to choose your password, and your registration is then complete. You must be logged in also on this email account.
Need assistance? Call the Kindo Help Desk on Freephone 0508 4 KINDO (0508 454 636).

School Contributions (previously known as fees and donations)

After years of not incresing the contribution requested from whānau, the board of trustees have increased the amount requested for 2025 to $250 per child, per annum; $490 for two children, per annum and $600 for three or more children, per annum

All activities are covered by this contribution with the exception of school camps or sports team fees. This money is used for activities and trips that our students take part in during the year, with most classes going on at least one out-of-school trip each term. Activities include swimming lessons (which account for over a quarter of the contribution), topic-related interest trips, and specialist educators. This contribution also covers activities within the school such as visiting performers, concerts or educationalists which often cost money per head, and is also used to buy additional classroom resources and equipment which enables us to continue to provide quality classroom programmes.

We would appreciate payment of this contribution as soon as possible at the start of the school year, and ask that it is paid by all students so they can participate in the associated school programmes. Kindo is our preferred method of payment although internet banking, or payment at the school office via cash or eftpos are also welcome. You may prefer ro make weekly/fortnightly instalments and these can be easily set up through your Kindo account. Upon receiving a receipt for payment, families are able to claim one-third of this donation back in tax (approximately $66 per child).

Our bank account number is 03 0905 0914747 00. Please include your child’s name in the reference area and stipulate that the payment is a contribution.