At Grant’s Braes School we offer a wide range of physical activities and sporting opportunities, including:
- Futsal (indoor football), touch and teeball (Terms 1 and 4)
- Netball, kiwi hoops and hockey (Terms 2 and 3)
Summer sports draws can be found HERE.
Winter sports draws can be found HERE.
Coaches and Managers
We rely on parents and caregivers to coach and manage most sports teams, and are very fortunate to have so many parents who are willing to work with, and support, our children. Where possible we invite external organisations to provide sporting experiences within school time such as cricket and hockey coaching, and golf tuition.
Peninsula Cluster Events
Our school is also part of the Peninsula cluster, and we participate in a number of events such as the:
- Ariki Cup cross country run
- South Zone athletic sports
Sports Uniform
Grant’s Braes sports uniforms must be worn for all sports games and events and occasionally extra items are required too, such as shin pads or mouth guards. The sports uniform can be ordered and purchased from Nz Uniform Shop (Moray Place).
Fair Play
We encourage our children to demonstrate fair play and to show respect to their teammates, the opposition, the referees and their coaches. All children who register for a sports team must adhere to our Fairplay Code of Conduct which can be downloaded HERE.