
Enrolment Pack

Is your child soon turning five or have you moved into our school zone? Please contact the school office to have an enrolment pack sent out to you.

School Visits

A month before your child starts school they will have four school visits. One of the New Entrant teachers will be in contact to arrange this and give you the information you need. The preschoolers come each Thursday morning from 9.00- 11.00. If this day doesn’t suit you, we can arrange another day. Parents usually leave their child but are welcome to stay for a while to help with settling in.


The two junior teachers work in a collaborative environment. One classroom is a teaching space for small groups, where children come to have focussed literacy and maths learning each day. The other classroom is set up for Play-Based Learning, where the teacher interacts, helps and encourages learning through play. Music, Physical Education and other whole class curriculum areas occur in this space also.

Pre-School Bears

Attending this weekly programme will assist your child with the transition to school. Activities will be fun and stimulating while reinforcing fundamental skills your child will need when they start school. Children will explore the core areas of literacy and numeracy, and develop their fine motor skills through games, art and craft activities. They will mix with other children who will be starting school around the same time as them and develop friendships and social skills in a safe, structured, play-orientated setting. The two new-entrant teachers alternate taking the Pre-School Bears programme so that the children get to know them both. This programme is open to 4.5 year olds and children are welcome to attend weekly until they start their formal school visits.

The Pre-School Bears programme operates on Thursday (not held on the first Thursday of each term) between 1.45pm-3.00pm. Please contact the school office if you would like any further information or if you would like to enrol your child in this programme.


GBS Enrolment Pack 2021.pdf
